zju 2112



#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
#define MAXN 50005

template <class T>
struct Splay {
	struct Node {
		Node *_fa, *_ch[2];
		T _val;
		int _size;

		Node() {}
		Node(const T& x) { set_value(x); }

		void *operator new(size_t) {
			if (_stop != 0) return _st[--_stop];
			else return _nodes + _mtot++;

		void operator delete(void* p, size_t) {
			_st[_stop++] = (Node*)p;

		void set_value(const T& x) {
			_val = x; _size = 1;
			_ch[0] = _ch[1] = 0;
			_fa = _fa_root;

		Node* get_end(int c) {            // 0 表示左端 1 表示右端
			Node* x = this;
			while (x->_ch[c])
				x = x->_ch[c];
			return x;

		Node* get_near(int c) {
			if (_ch[c])
				return _ch[c]->get_end(1 - c);
			Node* x = this;
			while (x->_fa && x->_fa->_ch[c] == x)
				x = x->_fa;
			return x->_fa;

		Node* get_succ() { return get_near(1); }
		Node* get_prev() { return get_near(0); }

		void push_down() {}				// 向下传标记
		void update() {
			_size = 1;
			if (_ch[0]) _size += _ch[0]->_size;
			if (_ch[1]) _size += _ch[1]->_size;

		int get_size() {
			if (this) return _size;
			else return 0;

	Node *_root;
	static Node *const _fa_root, _nodes[(MAXN + 1) * 18], *_st[(MAXN + 1) * 18];
	static int _mtot, _stop;

	void rotate(Node* x, int c) {    // 旋转操作,0 表示左旋,1 表示右旋
		Node* y = x->_fa;
		y->push_down(); x->push_down(); // y 在 x 之上,故先 y 后 x
		y->_ch[1 - c] = x->_ch[c];
		if (x->_ch[c])
			x->_ch[c]->_fa = y;
		x->_fa = y->_fa;
		if (y->_fa != _fa_root) {
			if (y->_fa->_ch[0] == y)
				y->_fa->_ch[0] = x;
				y->_fa->_ch[1] = x;
		} else
			_root = x;
		x->_ch[c] = y;
		y->_fa = x;
		y->update();						// 维护 y

	void splay(Node* x, Node *f) {    // 把结点 x 转到结点 f 下面
		while (x->_fa != f) {
			if (x->_fa->_fa == f) {
				if (x->_fa->_ch[0] == x)
					rotate(x, 1);
					rotate(x, 0);
			} else {
				Node *y = x->_fa, *z = y->_fa;
				if (z->_ch[0] == y) {
					if (y->_ch[0] == x)
						rotate(y, 1), rotate(x, 1);
						rotate(x, 0), rotate(x, 1);
				} else {
					if (y->_ch[1] == x)
						rotate(y, 0), rotate(x, 0);
						rotate(x, 1), rotate(x, 0);

	Node* join(Node* r1, Node* r2) {
		if (r1 && r2) {
			Node *right_end = r1->get_end(1);
			splay(right_end, r1->_fa);
			right_end->_ch[1] = r2;
			r2->_fa = right_end;
			return right_end;
		if (r1) return r1;
		if (r2) return r2;
		return 0;

	void insert(const T& px) {
		Node* nd = new Node(px);
		if (_root == 0) {
			_root = nd;
		Node *x = _root, *y = _fa_root;
		while (x) {
			y = x;
			if (nd->_val <= x->_val)
				x = x->_ch[0];
				x = x->_ch[1];
		if (nd->_val <= y->_val)
			y->_ch[0] = nd;
			y->_ch[1] = nd;
		nd->_fa = y;
		splay(nd, _fa_root);

	void erase(const T& px) {
		Node* nd = lower_bound(px);
		if (nd == 0 || nd->_val != px)
		Node* x = join(nd->_ch[0], nd->_ch[1]);
		if (nd->_fa == _fa_root) {
			_root = x;
		} else {
			if (nd->_fa->_ch[0] == nd)
				nd->_fa->_ch[0] = x;
				nd->_fa->_ch[1] = x;
		if (x)
			x->_fa = nd->_fa;
		if (nd->_fa)
			splay(nd->_fa, _fa_root);
		delete nd;

	Node* lower_bound(const T& px) {
		Node *x = _root, *y = _fa_root;
		while (x) {
			y = x;
			if (px <= x->_val)
				x = x->_ch[0];
				x = x->_ch[1];
		if (y == _fa_root)
			return 0;
		if (px <= y->_val)
			return y;
			return y->get_succ();

	Node* upper_bound(const T& px) {
		Node *x = _root, *y = _fa_root;
		while (x) {
			y = x;
			if (px < x->_val)
				x = x->_ch[0];
				x = x->_ch[1];
		if (y == _fa_root)
			return 0;
		if (px < y->_val)
			return y;
			return y->get_succ();

	int query_less(const T& val) {
		Node* x = lower_bound(val);
		if (x == 0)
			return _root->get_size();
		splay(x, _fa_root);
		return x->_ch[0]->get_size();

	void clear() {
		_root = 0;

	static void mem_init() {
		_mtot = _stop = 0;

template <class T>
typename Splay<T>::Node *const Splay<T>::_fa_root = 0;

template <class T>
typename Splay<T>::Node Splay<T>::_nodes[(MAXN + 1) * 18];

template <class T>
typename Splay<T>::Node* Splay<T>::_st[(MAXN + 1) * 18];

template <class T>
int Splay<T>::_stop = 0;

template <class T>
int Splay<T>::_mtot = 0;

int v[MAXN + 1];

struct Node {
	int _a, _b;
	Node *_left, *_right;
	Splay<int> _bst;
} nodes[MAXN * 2], *ptr;

void build_tree(int a, int b) {
	Node* root = ++ptr;
	root->_a = a; root->_b = b;
	if (a == b) {
		root->_left = root->_right = 0;
	for (int i = a + 1; i <= b; ++i)
	root->_left = ptr + 1;
	build_tree(a, (a + b) / 2);
	root->_right = ptr + 1;
	build_tree((a + b) / 2 + 1, b);

int la, lb, lk;

void modify(Node* root) {
	if (root->_a == root->_b) {
		root->_bst.insert(v[la] = lk);
	int mid = (root->_a + root->_b) / 2;
	if (la <= mid)

int query(Node* root) {
	if (la <= root->_a && root->_b <= lb) {
		return root->_bst.query_less(lk);
	int mid = (root->_a + root->_b) / 2;
	int res = 0;
	if (la <= mid)
		res = query(root->_left);
	if (mid < lb)
		res += query(root->_right);
	return res;

inline int solve(int a, int b, int k) {
	int l = 0, r = 1000000001, mid;
	while (l + 1 != r) {
		mid = (l + r) / 2;
		la = a; lb = b; lk = mid;
		if (query(nodes + 1) < k)
			l = mid;
			r = mid;
	return l;

int main() {
	freopen("in.txt", "r", stdin);
	freopen("out.txt", "w", stdout);
	int test;
	scanf("%d", &test);
	for (int cas = 1; cas <= test; ++cas) {
		int n, m;
		scanf("%d%d", &n, &m);
		for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
			scanf("%d", v + i);
		ptr = nodes;
		build_tree(1, n);
		for (int i = 1; i <= m; ++i) {
			char c;
			int a, b, k;
			scanf(" %c", &c);
			if (c == 'Q') {
				scanf("%d%d%d", &a, &b, &k);
				printf("%d\n", solve(a, b, k));
			} else {
				scanf("%d%d", &a, &k);
				la = a; lk = k;
				modify(nodes + 1);
	return 0;

第二个版本,就是 query 的时候不进行 splay 操作,比上面的程序略慢一些:

int query_less(const T& val) {
		int res = 0;
		Node* x = _root;
		while (x) {
			if (val <= x->_val) {
				x = x->_ch[0];
			} else {
				if (x->_ch[0])
					res += x->_ch[0]->_size;
				x = x->_ch[1];
		return res;

原始版本,8s 水过 =          =... 让我不得不怀疑是不是 gcc 的寻址有些问题。

#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
#define MAXN 50005

struct Splay {
	struct Node {
		Node *_fa, *_ch[2];
		int _val, _size;
		void update() {
			_size = 1;
			if (_ch[0]) _size += _ch[0]->_size;
			if (_ch[1]) _size += _ch[1]->_size;
		void set_value(int x) {
			_size = 1; _val = x;
			_ch[0] = _ch[1] = 0; _fa = _fa_root;
		Node* get_end(int c) {			// 0 表示左端 1 表示右端
			Node* x = this;
			while (x->_ch[c])
				x = x->_ch[c];
			return x;

	Node *_root;
	static Node *const _fa_root, _nodes[MAXN + 1][18];

	void rotate(Node* x, int c) {	// 旋转操作,0 表示左旋,1 表示右旋
		Node* y = x->_fa;
		y->_ch[1 - c] = x->_ch[c];
		if (x->_ch[c])
			x->_ch[c]->_fa = y;
		x->_fa = y->_fa;
		if (y->_fa != _fa_root) {
			if (y->_fa->_ch[0] == y)
				y->_fa->_ch[0] = x;
				y->_fa->_ch[1] = x;
		} else
			_root = x;
		x->_ch[c] = y;
		y->_fa = x;

	void splay(Node* x, Node *f) {	// 把结点 x 转到结点 f 下面
		while (x->_fa != f) {
			if (x->_fa->_fa == f) {
				if (x->_fa->_ch[0] == x)
					rotate(x, 1);
					rotate(x, 0);
			} else {
				Node *y = x->_fa, *z = y->_fa;
				if (z->_ch[0] == y) {
					if (y->_ch[0] == x)
						rotate(y, 1), rotate(x, 1);
						rotate(x, 0), rotate(x, 1);
				} else {
					if (y->_ch[1] == x)
						rotate(y, 0), rotate(x, 0);
						rotate(x, 1), rotate(x, 0);

	Node* join(Node* r1, Node* r2) {
		if (r1 && r2) {
			Node *right_end = r1->get_end(1);
			splay(right_end, r1->_fa);
			right_end->_ch[1] = r2;
			r2->_fa = right_end;
			return right_end;
		if (r1) return r1;
		if (r2) return r2;
		return 0;

	void insert(Node* nd) {
		Node *x = _root, *y = _fa_root;
		while (x) {
			y = x;
			if (nd->_val < x->_val)
				x = x->_ch[0];
				x = x->_ch[1];
		if (nd->_val < y->_val)
			y->_ch[0] = nd;
			y->_ch[1] = nd;
		nd->_fa = y;
		splay(nd, _fa_root);

	void erase(Node* nd) {
		Node* x = join(nd->_ch[0], nd->_ch[1]);
		if (nd->_fa == _fa_root) {
			_root = x;
		} else {
			if (nd->_fa->_ch[0] == nd)
				nd->_fa->_ch[0] = x;
				nd->_fa->_ch[1] = x;
		if (x)
			x->_fa = nd->_fa;
		if (nd->_fa)    // 需要更新的是父结点以及父的所有父,x 结点在 join 时已更新
			splay(nd->_fa, _fa_root);

	int query_less(int val) {
		int res = 0;
		Node* x = _root;
		while (x) {
			if (val <= x->_val) {
				x = x->_ch[0];
			} else {
				if (x->_ch[0])
					res += x->_ch[0]->_size;
				x = x->_ch[1];
		return res;

Splay::Node *const Splay::_fa_root = 0, Splay::_nodes[MAXN + 1][18];

int v[MAXN + 1];

struct Node {
	int _a, _b, _dep;
	Node *_left, *_right;
	Splay _bst;
} nodes[MAXN * 2], *ptr;

void build_tree(int a, int b, int dep) {
	Node* root = ++ptr;
	root->_a = a; root->_b = b;
	root->_dep = dep;
	root->_bst._root = Splay::_nodes[a] + dep;
	if (a == b) {
		root->_left = root->_right = 0;
	for (int i = a + 1; i <= b; ++i) {
		root->_bst.insert(Splay::_nodes[i] + dep);
	root->_left = ptr + 1;
	build_tree(a, (a + b) / 2, dep + 1);
	root->_right = ptr + 1;
	build_tree((a + b) / 2 + 1, b, dep + 1);

int la, lb, lk;

void modify(Node* root) {
	if (root->_a == root->_b) {
		root->_bst._root->set_value(v[root->_a] = lk);
	root->_bst.erase(Splay::_nodes[la] + root->_dep);
	root->_bst.insert(Splay::_nodes[la] + root->_dep);
	int mid = (root->_a + root->_b) / 2;
	if (la <= mid)

int query(Node* root) {
	if (la <= root->_a && root->_b <= lb) {
		return root->_bst.query_less(lk);
	int mid = (root->_a + root->_b) / 2;
	int res = 0;
	if (la <= mid)
		res = query(root->_left);
	if (mid < lb)
		res += query(root->_right);
	return res;

inline int solve(int a, int b, int k) {
	int l = 0, r = 1000000001, mid;
	while (l + 1 != r) {
		mid = (l + r) / 2;
		la = a; lb = b; lk = mid;
		if (query(nodes + 1) < k)
			l = mid;
			r = mid;
	return l;

int main() {
	freopen("in.txt", "r", stdin);
	freopen("out.txt", "w", stdout);
	int test;
	scanf("%d", &test);
	for (int cas = 1; cas <= test; ++cas) {
		int n, m;
		scanf("%d%d", &n, &m);
		for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
			scanf("%d", v + i);
		ptr = nodes;
		build_tree(1, n, 0);
		for (int i = 1; i <= m; ++i) {
			char c;
			int a, b, k;
			scanf(" %c", &c);
			if (c == 'Q') {
				scanf("%d%d%d", &a, &b, &k);
				printf("%d\n", solve(a, b, k));
			} else {
				scanf("%d%d", &a, &k);
				la = a; lk = k;
				modify(nodes + 1);
	return 0;
Category: 普罗格莱明 | Tags: Segment Tree Splay Tree in Tree Balanced Tree | Read Count: 3239
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